Solitude’s Resilience : A Symphony of Self

In the realm of thoughts, where shadows play,I dwell in dreams that my mind conveys.An imaginary life unfolds, unseen,A sanctuary where fears convene. Alone, I ponder in the silence deep,A fear creeps in, where shadows seep.What if the ties that bind should fray,And leave me stranded in the light of day? Suffocated by the echoesContinue reading “Solitude’s Resilience : A Symphony of Self”

Craziest Twenties

I wrote this awhile back .This is still something I highly resonate with. Dear Teenager Priya ❣️ You know what?One key decision I’ve made in my life is to give up my twenties and dive deep into the unknown.Yeah I know I know it was chaotic as heck.Mmm confusing.Sometimes excruciating lonely but it is whatContinue reading “Craziest Twenties”

Let’s Get Hitched

Baby… We’ll shower together and have conversations about the relentlessness of vulnerability ,umm our grocery budget and agree on what Netflix show to binge next while you massage the small of my back.I’ll convince you to walk without looking at your feet and buy your favourite peanut butter.Baby,I’ll keep the bread box full of pumpernickelContinue reading “Let’s Get Hitched”